Thursday, June 19, 2008

flanders epic

two of my roommates and I did an epic ride today. We set out looking for around 4 hours and came back 7 hours later...six and a half of which was ride time. We road the canal to a town called waregem, road some cool roads out of there, then got on an 80k loop that took us on a bunch of tour of flanders features and really sweet golf car path sized roads. We road paved climbs, cobbled climbs, flat cobbles, downhill cobbles, etc. It was sweet. Then we got really lost, went the wrong way on the canal, road 2 hours in a wicked headwind, got lost in kortrijk, and time trialed to make it home before dinner. It was a sick ride. We of course drilled it on all the cobbles and climbs. At one point I had a chad moment (the maconites will understand) and began pulling as hard as I could into the ridiculous head-crosswind all the while screaming in fake flemish and english. Yeah, we were cracked at the end.

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