Tuesday, February 10, 2009


So some of you are probably visiting the blog to see what I think of the new ride; others have probably heard of the weekends events and are looking for the details.

Short Version: The bike was incredible, for the day it lasted.

Long Version: Saturday I headed out on the new ride for a few hours of breaking the bike in, along with two of my teammates doing the same. 5 minutes from the house, at the end of the ride, we had a nasty crash. Blair missed it but Strad and myself went down pretty hard. I'm fine, but cracked my frame. Strad's bike is fine,(we hit the ground HARD, so it's a testament to the bike's durability that only one cracked) however, he came off a little worse. Luckily nothing is broken, but he does have a concussion. He's tough as nails and will be back on the bike in a few days, unless his mom forgot to confiscate it, in which case he's probably been skipping school and riding Caesar's Head the past couple days. I'm not going into the reasons for the crash on a public site-if you feel you need the full story, feel free to contact me.

Good news: When bad stuff happens, you learn a lot about the people you've got on your side. I owe a big thanks to all the Hincapie staff, and especially Rich. He barely batted an eye before getting to work on the situation. I'll be back on a Scott Addict soon and can't tell you how thrilled I am about that. It's easily the nicest bike I've ever ridden, stiff, light and very stable. Also, thanks to John James from Sunshine Cycles for checking on me after the wreck. And of course, thanks to all the friends and teammates who were calling or emailing to check on Strad and I.

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