Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Gaps

The Gaps in North Georgia have gotten a pretty fair amount of recognition as a training grounds for cyclists, and I have to say, that area is hard to beat for a solid weekend block of climbing. This past weekend I found myself staying at Will's house, yet again, for back-to-back big climbing days. It says something about your weekend when Six Gap was the "flatter" day (the other day consisted of some doubling back on climbs that meant something like 8 total, without the easy side of Woody's). It may not have a huge variety of roads to offer up endless new routes like Greenville, and it doesn't have climbs as lengthy as the ones found further up into he Appalachians, but all Six gaps are reasonable climbs that are pretty close to each other. And if that's not enough, you can add in Brasstown or any number of the "secret" 5-10 minute climbs we've discovered.

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