Saturday, March 5, 2011

It's like that yall

And bam, just like that, I've been to South America.

Curtis and I hopped in the car at 6 am Friday and drove ourselves south, south, south, all the way to Miami. There we parked at our bosses house, and were given a ride to the airport by our friend and sponsor Fernando (please check

A nine hour flight took us to Santiago, Chile. I slept the majority of the flight, and some of the next flight too, a 2.5 hour trip from Santiago to Montevideo. All in all it was probably the smoothest travel day I've ever had.

Now we're at the Hotel in Montevideo, which is actually quite nice. The cit is beautiful and we got in a short ride along the beach. We also had some of the steak that Uruguay and Argentina are famous for, and it was excellent.

Now we have a few more days until racing starts and life goes full-gas.

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